January 27, 2012

It Hated Me First

I am not on this Earth for my own benefit. I could not have put myself here. It was God-ordained, which means He has a purpose for me. A purpose I must surrender to because the only value I have is in doing what I was made for, which is being used by God. 
I must be willing to sacrifice my own desires, dreams, friendships, time, and passions. Pursuing any of my own will leave me empty and dissatisfied because I won't have done what I was made for. Now, the actual practice of this reality is quite new to me. I've known it, I've heard it, and I've thought I understood it. But recently God has shown me there's much more to surrender. 
I seek comfort. I seek acceptance. Two things that do not come from being bold for Christ. 
"If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you" John 15:18-19
If I am hated, it will be from being a light. Light exposes all darkness. So if I am hated because Christ shines through me exposing all filth and evil, then let me be hated.