December 11, 2012

The Overflow Ramblings

This is a post for 2 reasons: 1. because I am discouraged by the many Christians I know who are not excited about God's love and 2. because I am overflowing with excitement, joy, and gratitude for what Jesus has done.

Every Christmas season the reality of what God brought us becomes sweeter to me. But, with the recent season I've went through and the new season I have just begun, I cannot think of any reason why Christians, followers of Christ, should not be beaming with love and joy! While I don't understand it, I have been there. I've been a Christian and not felt joyful, or peaceful, or thankful, or at all connected to the reality of what our Father God has done for us. Even in hindsight, I'm not quite sure how my attitude has shifted, but there is definitely one action on my part that has changed that could be the key. Worship.

This past year I've probably spent more of my quiet time just worshiping than I have in the prior 3 years all together. And it has made a HUGE impact on my relationship with God and my perspective of Jesus. I'm coming to realize that I used to try and have relationship through discipline. I would think, "Oh, if I can just read my Bible every day for at least 30 minutes, I will have a good relationship with God." And for me personally, I was being legalistic in my heart - thinking that a rule could make me righteous and would give me a "better" relationship with God, as if just spending time with Him wasn't enough, as if I had to be perfectly disciplined to be acceptable. 
As I began worshiping more in my quiet time, I found myself more aware throughout the day of the Holy Spirit and being in communication with God more. I found my perspective being aligned with His. I found that it was when I was worshiping and focusing solely on Him, that He would speak to me and tell me anything I needed to hear. I've realized when I just sit in His presence and soak it in, He shows me how much more love He has to give that I can't even comprehend. 

Jesus is so good. And I'm discouraged by the many Christians I see living in bondage to discipline, rules, others' opinions, or simply their own fear. Satan has taken too much ground... He is NOT that powerful. He is NOT strong. Let's shout in his face how much bigger Jesus is! I want to see followers of Christ being free in who God made them, free in expression of their love for Him, and free to love and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. And if you're struggling, I'd encourage you to spend time in worship - spend time dwelling on who God is and who Jesus is. I promise it will become more amazing each time. Father God has offered us complete freedom - too great a gift for Christians to be living in fear and therefore being self-focused, instead of sharing and loving on others.